
  • Choerodon平台版本: 0.20.0

  • 遇到问题的执行步骤:
    在执行安装过程时,域名不能找到,执行的命令是:./c7nctl install -c config.yml --no-timeout --version=0.20 --debug

  • 文档地址:

  • 环境信息(如:节点信息):

  • 报错日志:
    2020/01/19 09:15:48 [INFO] Wait domain gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com point to cluster, check acme want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}, retry
    2020/01/19 09:15:50 [INFO] Wait domain gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com point to cluster, check acme want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}, retry
    2020/01/19 09:15:52 [INFO] Wait domain gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com point to cluster, check acme want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}, retry
    2020/01/19 09:15:54 [INFO] Wait domain gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com point to cluster, check acme want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}, retry
    2020/01/19 09:15:56 [INFO] Wait domain gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com point to cluster, check acme want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}, retry
    2020/01/19 09:15:58 [INFO] Wait domain gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com point to cluster, check acme want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}, retry
    2020/01/19 09:16:00 [INFO] Wait domain gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com point to cluster, check acme want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}, retry
    2020/01/19 09:16:02 [INFO] Wait domain gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com point to cluster, check acme want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}, retry
    2020/01/19 09:16:04 [INFO] Wait domain gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com point to cluster, check acme want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}, retry
    2020/01/19 09:16:06 [INFO] Wait domain gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com point to cluster, check acme want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}, retry
    2020/01/19 09:16:08 [INFO] Wait domain gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com point to cluster, check acme want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}, retry
    2020/01/19 09:16:10 [INFO] Wait domain gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com point to cluster, check acme want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}, retry
    2020/01/19 09:16:12 [INFO] Wait domain gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com point to cluster, check acme want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}, retry
    2020/01/19 09:16:14 [INFO] Wait domain gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com point to cluster, check acme want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}, retry
    2020/01/19 09:16:16 [INFO] Wait domain gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com point to cluster, check acme want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}, retry
    2020/01/19 09:16:18 [Error] 请检查您的域名: gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com 已正确解析到集群
    2020/01/19 09:16:18 [Error] install failed
    Error: Check domain failed want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}
    c7nctl install [flags]

-c, --config-file string User Config file to read from, User define config by this file
–debug enable debug output
-h, --help help for install
–no-timeout disable install job timeout
–prefix string add prefix to all helm release
-r, --resource-file string Resource file to read from, It provide which app should be installed
–skip-input use default username and password to avoid user input
–version string specify a version

Global Flags:
–config string config file (default is $HOME/.c7n.yaml)
-o, --orgCode string org code
-p, --proCode string pro code

Check domain failed want HSc6goGTy6EF342aS403oIY5sJ got {“success”:false}

  • 原因分析:

    1.在集群各个节点,ping gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com,能够ping通,包括k8s集群以及nfs机器
    [root@nfs-1 ~]# ping gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com
    PING gitlab.choerodon-xxxx.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from gitlab.choerodon.xxxx.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.248 ms
    64 bytes from gitlab.choerodon.xxxx.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.462 ms
    64 bytes from gitlab.choerodon.xxxx.com ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.263 ms
    64 bytes from gitlab.choerodon.xxxx.com ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.342 ms
    64 bytes from gitlab.choerodon.xxxx.com ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.269 ms
    2.在集群中choerodon安装的salve pod中使用ping命令,依然能通

  • 疑问:


